Research Development Services

Funding Opportunities

Listed below are a variety of resources to assist faculty in identifying and locating funding sources for research opportunities. Because these data bases may include different funding opportunities it is recommended that you use all that seem relevant to your interests.

2023 ORIEI Seed Funding Opportunities
The Office of Research Innovation and Economic Impact (ORIEI) is excited to announce two new seed funding opportunities. The highlights can be found on this page along with links to the Requests for Proposals.

2023 ARIE Seed Funding 
This seed funding emerged as one of the recommendations from the ARIE Task Force and funded by the ARIE Initiative. This funding will support research, scholarship and creative activities addressing the myriad issues on the theme of access to research and inclusive excellence.

COVID-19 Information and Funding Opportunities

Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Opportunities – All Institutions
Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Opportunities – Sponsoring and Associate Members
Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) is a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit organization that has been working with government agencies, universities, and corporate entities since 1946. ORAU publishes opportunities for collaboration and funding that are either open to all institutions or open only to ORAU Consortium members. Mason is a member of ORAU so Mason faculty may review and access opportunities in both categories. You will need to access the Member Only opportunities using your Mason credentials. 

Sponsored Program Information Network – SPIN
SPIN provides web based information resources and searchable databases for federal and non-federal funding opportunities. It includes the InfoEd Commerce Business Daily and a SPIN keyword thesaurus. It also provides listings of upcoming deadlines and allows you to customize your own e-mail notifications of funding information using SMARTS/GENIUS.

Research Development Support for NSF Faculty Career Development (CAREER)
This page contains resources, tools, and guides to assist Mason faculty with the development of NSF CAREER proposals

Funding Opportunities for New and Early Career Faculty
This page contains information on a wide range of funding opportunities, both federal and non-federal, for new and early career faculty.
This is a site maintained by the Federal government that has the ability to search for Federal government-wide grant opportunities.

The National Institutes of Health, Office of Extramural Research
This site provides links to a wide variety of information about grants and funding opportunities.

National Science Foundation
NSF provides a searchable system of information about grants programs.

Additional Links to Funding Databases Provided by George Mason Library
The George Mason University Library provides links to a variety of federal and private sources and includes an excellent source for associations. These databases are available to GMU users only.

U.S. Federal Government Challenge website
The Federal gov. agencies offer prizes to researchers for finding innovative solutions to various types of problems.