Research Development Services

Oak Ridge Associated Universities Opportunities – All Institutions

The ORAU University Partnerships Office is pleased to provide the following information, available to all institutions. Please forward within your institution and broadly to colleagues as you feel appropriate.

COVID-19 Update: ORAU is continuing operations with most employees working remotely. The fastest way to reach the University Partnerships Office is via email at [email protected].

Opportunity to Host/Deliver Webinar for DoD’s Information Analysis Centers – NEW


The DoD Information Analysis Centers (IAC):  Cybersecurity and Information Systems (CSIAC), Defense Systems (DSIAC), and Homeland Defense and Security (HDIAC) host/deliver webinars each month.   ORAU is assisting the IACs in identifying subject matter experts who might be interested in conducting a brief webinar beginning March and beyond.


The webinars are on DoD science and technology topics that draw hundreds of those in the larger DoD Research and Engineering (R&E) community. These webinars are intended to provide an awareness to the DoD R&E community about technical work or innovations with the goal of fostering collaboration, mitigating redundant work efforts, and stimulating innovation.  The webinars are conducted as 30-minute presentations followed by about 15 minutes of Q&A. They are very convenient and well-attended.  The IAC can either host the presentations in a public distribution venue or in a limited distribution (CUI) venue, specifically using DoD MS Teams.


You can take a look at some of the previous and upcoming webinar presentations at:,,  If you have a topic you’d like to deliver as a webinar presentation, please let us know.  For topics related to DSIAC, [email protected]; for HDIAC topics, contact [email protected]; and for CSIAC topics, contact [email protected].


Research and University Partnerships Office (RUPO)

[email protected]


ORAU provides innovative scientific and technical solutions to advance research and education, protect public health and the environment, and strengthen national security. Through specialized teams of experts, unique laboratory capabilities and access to a consortium of more than 100 major Ph.D.-granting institutions, ORAU works with federal, state, local and commercial customers to advance national priorities and serve the public interest. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and federal contractor, ORAU manages the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).